Wednesday, September 22, 2010


While the little man is out wreaking havoc in the backyard, I have time to blog. He is 10 days away from turning two, which means he enjoys a lot of freedom these days. There is no need for me to helicopter over him as much any more.
We have been engrossed in the early activities and routines of an early school year and finally getting our schedule down. Today I even fit in a stroll with Fieldin to the wetland to listen to the red winged black birds after waving good bye to Gret at the bus stop. She is still loving school and that big yellow joyride of a bus.
We recently bought ourselves a Nissan cube to fill in the loss of Lil Red truck. The kids love it and Fieldin spends his mornings wanting to ride around in "fun car" so he can look out the windows. He is a sight these days, all boy, still with that white head of hair and always wearing his favorite red converse. He loves to be a helper. He keeps us on schedule in the morning..picking out our clothes, waking us up "mommy say wake up Gweta!!!!!!" and yelling "breakfast!" He stands eagerly at the door for our trip to the bus stop proudly saying"beach hat and coat mommy" and showing me his awesome outfit.... One quick chase from sister so she can give him kisses and we are out the door. As Fieldin stands in the door way he says" go go go on a adventure". He loves to be outside.
He also loves Batman which will be the theme of his birthday party this year. "Batman awesome" he says.
I hear Fieldin singing "london Bridges Falling Down and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in the backyard. Which reminds me I have A BUNCH of lady bugs to free from their "habitat"(prison...ahem) My new french book arrived yesterday and is eyeing me. I start my first class tonight and have no idea what I am getting myself in to. I'm expanding my mind, I keep telling myself. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Are you taking French lessons? How cool!