Saturday, September 25, 2010

Quite Possibly The Rags Of A Traitor...

Are these the clothes of a traitor, or just an innocent gal who wants to run some errands on game day without being called upon to sing the WSU fight song in a good humored parking lot of people, or good natured jabs as I make my way into a store....I see the side ways glances under their lashes and the raised brows.. Yes, I lived in Pullman. Hence, I have ALOT of Cougar shirts and I am a Coug... My blood runs crimson. So I am not a traitor. I am just going incognito, but I must say I do like all the Beav fans around here, I like the conversation and the jabs.. but sometimes it is nice to melt in a little, and I cover my crimson with a little orange. I am still trying to figure out how to make both colors live in harmony....
And while on the subject of clothing... Fieldin has been carrying around a Mariners backpack, EVERYWHERE he goes for the last couple days including inside our house. The contents: A stuffed animal, shoes and some random clothes. I am not sure if he is trying to imitate Gret going to school, waiting for a natural disaster, a vacation?, or just really likes wearing his pack. I guess linus had his blanket, Fieldin has his backpack, and it is great for hiding snacks.
Also, Miss Greta announced today she still wants to be Daphne from Scooby Doo when she grows up, but she wants to solve mysteries and make fresh donuts for people. Awesome. Lucky for her, a local farmer taught her how to make donuts recently. A little donut making internship.
Have A Good One Everybody.
We are recovering from flu and watching the cougs. Which holds more misery today?

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Raylene! If you are going to be a traitor you should at least have gotten an Ducks sweatshirt so that you would have a winning team to cheer for! Ha Ha, just teasing:)
Glad you guys are feeling better!