Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Around The House

The little man's new thing is wearing armour. He loves it. He runs around with his shield in one hand and a soup ladle in the other (his sword) His main job as knight is to chase around Maiden Greta and occasionally hit her with his ladle....
Third day of school. Morning hugs. They miss each other. If you look close, he is holding her pajama shirt that he carries around in the mornings for comfort. Then after she is safe on the bus he hands it to me... He loves waving at her good bye each day and waiting for the bus to pull up in our driveway each afternoon. He waits at the front window for her and yells "bus, mommy, bus!"

Gret's new thing, bandz. They are pretty cool. Can be used as bracelets and rubberbands and always return to their normal cool scooby doo shapes...

And more of our little Knight. As for other news, Fall is here and we love it!, my roses are still blooming, the school bus is the talk of the house, Greta says her teacher, friends and bus are the best things about school....., The sweet little red truck has found a new good home, my favorite bakery is sad, Fieldin is mastering his little three wheel motorcycle but can't turn(my poor plants!) he runs over everything in his way. Lots happening around here. Most of all we all have been thinking about my mom. We miss her. And last but not least, a lot of pulling of Thomas the Train and wearing his train conductor hat out for errands...

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Cherisa said...

Ah... The armor looks very familiar. We have a similar theme at our house on a regular basis. Almost anything can become Aiden's "armor" and anything can become a sword. Isn't raising little boys a blast? :)

And those crazy/silly bandz are cool but seriously expensive! $5 for a pack of 12?!? Crazy indeed!

Megan said...

Good bye little Red Truck! We will all miss you! Have some stories about that truck myself! Winter time spinning brodies in the middle of the street in Oakesdale with my bro... those were the times!