Sunday, July 11, 2010

15 Minutes From Yesterday

It is midday and the three of them are asleep. I guess it would be defined as a nap, it is something I rarely witness so I forget what a nap is these days. I grab a stack of books, zip up my hoodie and sneak downstairs. Tip toe..tip toe.. heck, why am I trying, the garage door will probably wake them anyway. I open the door to find 100 degree heat rush to my face. Uggh. At least there is a breeze and I have my cruiser bike, I can ride while still wearing a summer skirt. The books drop into my wicker bike basket. I hop on my "delivery bike" and jump the curb. duh duh duh dah duh dooooo. I ride and hum the tune from Wizard of Oz. I look like the mean lady that takes Toto and rides past Dorothy's window during the tornado. I see my reflection in the passing neighbors windows.. I look similar but my posture isn't as good... my mind never quiets, does it? There is no noise in the neighborhood but my bike spikes. I do a coasting dismount off the bike.. no applause, I wished someone would have seen that one.. darn. I visit with my neighbor quickly about the books I brought her, plants, news etc. It is nice to talk and not have to watch the kids in my constant peripheral, it gave my eyes a bit of a rest. I realize my "work break" as I call it is over so I head home. I coast home with my hair blowing. Deja vu to when I was a child but I was stronger, more graceful and sturdy on my bike then. Plus my bike had roses and flames on it...I was a cool tomboy. I hear my kids as I turn the corner no mistaking Fieldins call to me...mommy, mooommy,moooommmmy!!! as he hit a golf ball in the bark, his face covered in orange..daddy must have let him have a Dorito. Greta was hovering over a plant with Jeff. Glad I am home, my back is feeling a bit too warm from the sun. Another dismount, but not as impressive, of course because someone was watching....

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Spent a little time at the ocean today with friends to escape the heat in town. The kids played in the sand, flew kites and I cooled a beer in a sand bucket of cold ocean water. A good day, I would say....

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