Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Miss Greta went to preschool today. She was given a star at school for getting her work done and doing her jobs. She also happily nominated mommy and daddy to make cookies for her next class...:) Today she came home from school with ribbons still in her hair(not lost in the abyss of the play area) with her backpack all zipped up, artwork intact. Her clothes did not have any major sticky stains and her hands were clean..... She used to come home looking like she took a ride in a paint filled tornado. She remembered everything she did today besides just what she had for snack. She remembers her teachers name. She will be five in a few short days.....*sigh* and all of a sudden she is acting like a five year old...a big girl ready for kindergarten.
This little mischief maker spent the day doing his favorite things..trashing the house and saying new words. Today he said" scooby doo..where are you?" and "more cheese, please" while we were getting ready for dinner. The three of us were thrown..we realized the little man now is speaking in sentences. A new world for all of us, especially him. He sings the abc song but hums a bit at the end somewhere around "t". Good job bud, we are so glad you can start putting your two cents in at the dinner table...remember you have to speak LOUD to be heard over your sister :)

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