Sunday, February 21, 2010

White Curls Strewn Across The Floor

I finally did it. Today was Fieldin's first haircut. Greta has been defending him for months "HE is a boy, I AM a girl". It wasn't the strangers thinking he was a girl that brought on the haircut appt. Lately his hair has been a bit Einsteinish, sticking out in all directions and paired with his evil little laugh, it was quite a sight. So like any makeover, there is the sad looking before picture and the excited after shot. Take a look below:

16 mths. He knows something is going on....and not very happy about it.
The after shot. I keep seeing him out of the corner of my eye around the house and thinking"who is that kid?" He looks so grown up now.

Moral support. As long as he was holding someones hand and had Greta near by he was okay. His hair looks good from the back, but no more curls. :(
I made a post traumatic dinner of his favorite foods, purple potatoes and salmon. He is such a big boy. Since we moved a month and a half ago he has outgrown his sippy cups and now uses real big boy utensils. They both grow so fast!

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