Thursday, January 28, 2010


By the time I took my last drink of coffee yesterday morning, our last home was turned over to it's new owners. The nice thing about waiting a month to close on our house was that I had time to break ties with the house and move on. Knowing the house is no longer our concern, should lighten the stress load around here a bit. Selling our home was an unusual experience up to the end and I hope to not have to go through it again anytime soon. These last few weeks are catching up to me. Tonight I took a long nap after dinner and probably would have stayed sleeping there all night if I could.
We currently don't have t.v. until we move again in a month. I hopped on the computer to catch up on news and was torn between reading about the life of J.D. Salinger or watch the State of the Union. I chose Salinger. Eccentric over wasn't a hard choice tonight.
Time to track down some mailing envelopes and then off to bed again for me.
It's almost Friday. Yay!

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