Monday, September 28, 2009

Why I Named It What I Did........

After almost a year, I realized I never explained why I named the ol' blog "In The Wheatfields". When we travel, I meet people along the way who ask where I hail from. Especially in the South and The East many people aren't familiar with Washington and especially my town. After explaining for awhile, I end up always saying "we live in the wheatfields, we are surrounded by them".
The best "inthewheatfields" memory was while visiting the childhood home of Abraham Lincoln while travelling through Indiana. There I met two very nice men who took their love of being historians to a new level. They acted the part, dressed the part believed they lived in that time. I guess that is what happens to a person when they are stuck in an isolated cabin all day....let's just say I kept my distance. I fielded their questions politely and entered their world the best I could.
"young lady" said one while checking out my flip flops, "What kinda disease do you have there on your toes?!" They were looking at my blue painted toenails. They looked concerned. "It's just polishitis"I said. They wanted to know how I kept termites away if I don't grow tobacco. They tried to comb my hair with something that looked like a medevil torture device. They taught me how to name different types of squash. I learned that when it is time to move my family across the US of A in a covered wagon it would be my job to bring the heirloom seeds. "Gotcha" I said. Then finally Jeff saved me. He talked about Washington, we said we lived among wheatfields... not to disclose where we really lived. They wanted to know how many bushels of wheat the Palouse produced. They were intrigued. While Jeff spoke I slowly backed out of the cabin. My chance to escape. Then I saw an elementry school class coming our way for a field trip. "I'm outta here" I whispered. "Godspeed" I thought as the poor kids trooped by....... So there you go. A very long story for a little question.

In other news. We are feeling better and our baby turns one this Friday....More on that soon :)

1 comment:

Anna said...

I guess I just assumed since I've lived there :)

I had a conversation with a kid at school, people don't believe that Pullman gets snow.