Thursday, September 24, 2009

How Shitty I Feel.....

Greta is doing much better but the flu caught up with me. It's been awhile since I've had it, especially with little kids in my midst. Here's my morning:

Very Early: Greta comes in to wake me up. "you're o.k." she says,"I am right here at the side of your bed" She is talking to me like I am incoherent which, I guess I kinda am. "I'm fine Gret" I say. "I'm right here" she says as she flings herself over the top of me. She adds a few seconds for drama and then she's off. "See ya, I am going to go play with daddy". Geez, does anyone have an oscar for this girl? She has the deathbed act down...

A few dramatic minutes later: I head to the shower. I tell it how shitty I feel. It doesn't care. I look around for shampoo and find some of the kids stuff. The bottle reads"Helps calm restless babies at bedtime" What about a whiny adult acting like a baby? I try it, what can it hurt.

Then they holler to tell me my food is ready: Breakfast. I gingerly walk up the stairs to the kitchen. Greta jumps out of nowhere with a toy catalog. She shoves it in my nose. "Look mommy, I need a new tea set, or maybe this pink piano". The rest I blanked out...The baby is throwing pieces of food off his high chair. drop. "uh oh". drop. "uh oh" drop. "uh oh". His favorite word.

A day in bed might not be too bad even if I do feel shitty and recovering from yesterday. I need to post about yesterday so when I THINK I am having a bad day, I can read about yesterday and say "today is quite good, really.."
Yesterday while Jeff drove home from Seattle to help me in my flu hazziness he had a tire blow out. While he changed his tire, in the dark, he was bitten at least 150 times by mosquitos. (no exaggeration here) Oh, and he is allergic to mosquitos. He is all swollen. After fixing the tire about a hour later his muffler fell off his truck. He wasn't able to get home until 10 p.m. In the meantime, I was layed up with a 101-102 fever, with horrible muscle aches and wearing a mask so I didn't infect the baby..I know it probably doesn't work but made me feel like I was trying, plus he like to pull it. Luckily I have WONDERFUL kids, that either played together or independently and made my day pretty easy. At one point when I was at my worst the baby played for 3 hours not far from me by himself while Greta played at the kitchen table and brought me juice boxes. I love you kids. Right now daddy is buying them special toys for taking care of me yesterday and some sort of potion for his bites.... Wish us luck everyone.

1 comment:

Sara said...

:( I'm so sorry you caught it! I hope you feel better soon.