Thursday, August 27, 2009


We've been a bit busy. Greta's been busy with friends and very excited about a new school year starting. I have been busy chasing the baby and wondering where the summer went....really, where did it go?. I did find something to write about today. I have a favorite quote:
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
-Albert Einstein
So true isn't it, us adults need to remind ourselves of this. Miss Greta has been all about creative play these last couple years. She comes up with amazing stories which she acts out. She loves drama, stories, performing. This I am starting to think is her true god given talent. It has been interesting watching it blossom. She becomes her characters and then after a while she will say "I am not a cake decorator now, I am Greta again". "Nice to have you back" I say. At her age, my love was art. I would spend hours laying on the floor drawing, only stopping to eat or watch Jeopardy. I was in my own made up world when I drew. Miss Greta enjoys drawing and coloring but mostly because when she is done, she cuts out her artwork and makes it come alive with a story. Her little drawn figures dance around the table. I love watching it.
As for the babe, Gretas' whimsy has rubbed off a little. I found him alone in the playroom this morning wearing bunny ears and pointing a play wand at a toy boat. This was much different than his usual pirate attire. He seems to have an emerging love for music. He dances all day to any beat he can find, music, clanking blocks or the engine of the garbage truck. He is always listening. Then he dances to the beat. He smiles when he hears a new sound. He has an ear for it. I can't wait to see if this love of music continues.
So now I sit back, give them the tools they need, clap for their performances and envy their magical imaginations. When my imagination makes a visit I will do my best to share it with them. Sadly, it isn't as frequent as it used to be....

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