Saturday, June 13, 2009


Sometimes if I pay close enough attention, I notice themes among my days. Recently it has been the number 8.

8 = The number of circles Greta and I rowed our little boat around instead of going straight. I was teaching Greta to row(while singing Row, Row, Row your boat) because I am teaching her my list of skills every woman should know. Every gal should be able to row her own boat. We practiced for awhile and if we weren't going in circles we were being dragged down river by the current. Life lesson #1,324...always pack a motor..just in case.

8= The inches of my hair I watched drop to the salon floor. Hello Summer hair.
8= The number of fun and creative hours I spent scrapbooking with a group of lovely ladies. Thank you Laurie and Thank you Jeff for holding down the fort.
8= The number of times my heart melts when I hear Fieldin say "hi" to whomever will listen. He is so excited he can communicate with others.
8= The number of times I've heard Greta say "Mommy, Fieldin is saying "hi" to strangers, that's not good. "
8= The number of hours of sleep I dream of getting tonight....

1 comment:

Sara said...

I can't wait to see your hair! And to hear Fieldin say "hi"!