Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Brings Bubbles

To me, it is one of the best things about Spring. Bubbles aren't made to be blown in the chill of winter or the steamy hot days of summer. They are a joy of Spring, and the young girl in me will never tire of them. Watching an army of rainbow tinted bubbles soar into a blue sky and then slowly fade away is a bit magical to me. I also love feeling the cool Spring breeze as I spin and spin till every little bubble is freed from my little wand. The best part now, is watching Greta spin, concentrate on her speed (You can't go too fast or too slow to get the perfect bubble) and then watching her jump as high as she can to catch the thinning bubbles.
This year Fieldin is enjoying us spin and jump more than the bubbles themselves. Next year he'll understand the magic and why we head outside on these nice warm days with bubble wands in hand.


Cherisa said...

Bubbles are a wonderful activity and highlight at our house, too. Though Aiden isn't quite as practiced as Greta.

I just got some "Extreme Bubble Solution" through this science website. Did you know glycerin can seriously extend the life of bubbles? I'd read it somewhere but the only glycerin I could find locally was the kind for thinning out icing (not the right kind). But you can oder this stuff online and one bottle of this stuff makes a GALLON of bubble solution! I figured bubbles are such a big hit here, it was worth $12.95 plus shipping to be able to make a gallon at a time! If you want to look into it, check out They have a bunch of other neat sciencey stuff, too (you wouldn't know I was a Com major).

Good pics!

Raylene said...

a gallon of bubbles= hours of happiness. Thanks for the info!!