Thursday, March 26, 2009

Things I Am Lovin' Right Now Part II

It has been a bit crazy around here this week so my brain is a bit scattered but thought I would share more things I am lovin'. Feel free to contribute what you love, because I am sure I will love it too...

1. Making cards. Right now, vintage Easter cards.
2. Going paper-free. I am on day one. Let me tell you, it isn't easy. I am still feeling ambitious and so happy to throw away all the post-its taking over our kitchen. The test is if I miss an appt or playdate next week. I will keep you posted...but not with a post-it, you know what I mean.
3. Greta's watercolor paintings.
4. Fieldin's chubby thighs, funny laugh and blossoming personality. (wait that was three things)
5. Jeff and Gretas apple cake. Those two can bake!
6. Sunlight bringing the neighbors outside to catch up and admire each others growing kids.
7. Fieldin sleeping through the night.
8. Me and my rainboots in our muddy tulip beds.
9. Any time I have with my Greta. Just her and I. The time is hard to find most days and I miss her. Very Much. I miss you too, Jeff.
10. Vanilla soy milk. I may stray, but I always come back to you soy milk.

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