Wednesday, January 14, 2009

While He Was Sleeping

Little Fieldin took a long nap today, which rarely happens so Greta and I acted fast decorating for a lunchtime party she wanted to throw. Trust me this girl knows how to throw a party. She pulled out a "party dress" and got to work making butterfly streamers, nameplates and making sure everything was just so.
I was very underdressed with my sweatpants but made up for it by doing the cooking. We made Grandma Harrisons recipe for scalloped potatoes and the house still smells wonderful........

While I cooked Greta read some of her "theme of the week" books from her bookshelves. Of course this weeks theme is "Going to School" Her favorite so far, "Froggy goes to school". I also have some favorite quotes of the day from Miss Greta...."Big Humans (adults) don't like that word do they? and while chatting with Fieldin "Were you scared in mommy's tummy? Did you eat all her food?"

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