Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Bit of Spring Fever

This little bit of sunshine we've had these two days has us grabbing for our rainboots instead 0f the snow boots and happily passing by our mittens on the way out the door. This winter sun break reminds us of our springtime rituals. Afternoon strolls, feeling warm patches of sun in late afternoon come through our windows, Gretas butterfly net ("no butterflies today" she said so the net collected damp rocks instead), hearing birds sing and feeding our animal friends at the park. We collected some aging bread and fruit and headed to the park to do a mid-winter check of the animals. Oh, how happy they were to see Miss Greta again. Especially the pink pig and the black pig. When we got home, we started a special "pig food" basket with a pig tag drawn by Greta to remind us of our duty to supply the pigs, llamas and goats with snacks. We'll fill the basket with scraps and breads instead of Greta emptying the fridge for "piggy food" each visit. Little Fieldin was very happy to be free of his arctic suit and feel some sunshine on his face. He loved watching Greta climb the melting mountains of snow in the front yard. We've been patient with the weather and Springtime gave us a sneak peek today of what is to come....eventually.

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