Saturday, January 3, 2009

Need vs. Want

Just a quick note about the babe. He just turned 3 months and as of today has grown 5 inches since his birthday. That deserved a celebratory superbaby flying spin around the house. Maybe it's our water, because big sis is 3 1/2 now and a little over 3 1/2 feet tall. If they keep growing at this rate, I am doomed to be the shorty pants in this family.
Now on to Need vs. Want. I am an organizer. I tear apart our home about twice a year and get rid of clutter, move things around and horribly annoy everyone that lives with me. My organizing is never a pretty sight. Piles everywhere. It has to get worse before it can get better, right? It's the beginning of a new year and a good time to get rid of stuff that has accumulated, like 4 magazine articles on pruning (I will google it anyway). Todays projects included moving Gretas bookshelf or should I say library(my arms are still aching), Creating an art center in the kitchen for Miss Greta (so we can see our dining table again for at least a couple days) and reorganizing all my crafty stuff (that was a hard one). I know my habit is annoying but I just try to keep what we need. It's not worth just wanting something there should be a real need for it. I say this now but check back 6 months from now when I find unused yarn stashed away because I really needed it.....for something.

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