Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Back To School

 I forgot to post this a few weeks ago. This was the first day back for both kids in person. How is it going? Fieldin stays in one class all day and five teachers rotate in and teach. So far he loves it and there has been no issues or quarantines. At lunch they sit in chairs three feet apart and eat and chat. 

Greta has to change classes and it is not going as well. A large portion of her school have been quarantined due to just a few cases. She also has been quarantined so far once, due to a student testing positive in one of her classes( she is fine) she goes back in a few days and ironically gets her second vaccine the next day. Gosh school during covid is very stressful. So far we have had a less stressful experience with the middle school. 

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