Saturday, December 31, 2016

Merry Christmas

After all these years, still not used to T-shirt weather on Christmas. It's the WA girl in me in, I guess...
 Someone once told me never to be sad because your kids are growing up because you grow with them. Some of the wisest and truest words I've ever heard and ones I think of daily. We are at the point in our life where we now have "big" kids, with big dreams, big potential and big personalities. We are so blessed. They don't ask for toys anymore, they want instruments, things to create etc. Old traditions that we have done the last 11 years are changing. Like below. Each year, I always caught Greta holding Fieldin by the Christmas tree, and was lucky enough to sneek a photo. This year that didn't happen but that is OK. Then, Christmas eve,  I got this shot and I love it so much. 

 sneaking pickles before dinner...Fieldin snuck the olives..
 making German Spaetzle 
 Her last few moments to hide in the presents..
 2016 Babbitt tree 
 Love these kids 
 We open gifts Christmas Eve, Church and Christmas stockings on Christmas morning. 

 Greta earned money to buy everyone gifts this year and she was very excited for us to see what she picked out. 

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