Friday, November 11, 2016

First Parade- Marching band

Those pink drum sticks got more use than normal today. Greta drummed in the Veteran's Day parade which is a pretty big honor for a 6th grader. She earned a varsity sweater to march and was very proud. 

 This lil' man made his own flag that he waved proudly. And, yes he is wearing his pajama shirt. He said it was his army combat shirt... 

 He enjoyed the parade and after 3 hours of watching for her.. her school finally came around the corner. 
 she is drumming at the far end, and for the first time I can call her the short one.. she is next to 8th graders and looks so small! 

 She did GREAT. 2 1/2 miles carrying a heavy drum. Her first parade. She has two more parades this year. They all sounded great. They marched so well and so fast it was almost impossible to get photos! 

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