Saturday, March 12, 2016

Cooking Competition

Today Greta had her 4-H cooking competition. She had 45 minutes to make her item, do a table setting and clean up. Then she was interviewed. She made Gluten Free pumpkin pancakes while the judge looked on. She did great, and as usual made sure she was precise with her measurements which was time consuming since she uses 5 spices on top of everything else. They are so good and the judge thought so too. 

 Setting up and mixing her wet ingredients 
 getting her table setting ready below as the pancakes cooked.

 Checking her pancakes
 During the interview, below.
 Another Blue she was excited and now waiting to see if she will get a champion ribbon. Hopefully she will know in a couple days. Great job, now you are the official pancake maker every Saturday.. HA! 

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