Sunday, March 6, 2016

Around Here

Life has been very full lately and I have ignored the blog too long. Both Jeff and I are in our busy time at work, the kids are enjoying church activities, Gret's battle of the book team made it to the championships for the 3rd year in a row! 4-h is in full swing, so is volleyball and big projects at school. Here is a little of what I photographed...
 Greta with the 5th and 6th grade band. She did drums and bells for this performance. 
 Fieldin is still busy making crafts.. I love the ideas he comes up with. 

 watching OSU lacrosse. He loves it. 
 He reached the 100th day of school. Here is his hat and necklace. 

 The suit of armor he made out of paper and string. 
 Greta and her friends busy making shrinky dinks and shrinking chip bags for keychains that they are selling at school to raise money for the 5th grade outdoor school fund. They worked really hard so I hope they sell them all. 
 Taking a break to watch a Mary Poppins play with Gret and her friends. 
Fieldin picking out his new lacrosse stick. We had starter sticks and a net that have all broken with constant use (not to mention lots of lost lacrosse balls) so it was time for a stronger upgrade. 
Between drumming sounds, crafty sounds, lacrosse sticks flying in the house, playing mom taxi and trying to help the cat keep a few of his nine lives, life has been busy but very great. 

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