Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

We have been busy eating alot of eggs. 
We all got in the fun of dyeing eggs this year, so extra eggs to eat up. 
 Fieldin woke Greta up at 5:30 a.m. to let her know that the Easter Bunny came! 
 After they dug through their baskets, we sent them back to bed so they wouldn't be too tired for church. 

They love their silly pictures. 
 Greta wanted a pic of her excited Easter face....

 Fieldin's Easter art
 They've been waiting for this, the annual backyard egg hunt. 

 This year there was money in some of the eggs and that was more exciting than the candy.

 I love when the lilacs are in bloom. If only they lasted a bit longer. 
 Greta made deviled eggs using Aunt Barb's recipe. She still had it memorized from Thanksgiving. She did a great job. She did the pinkie test that Aunt Barb told her to do and she said they tasted just right, I tried too and she was right!! Luckily, we have someone in the house that can make deviled eggs since mine always look like they went through a grinder. 

Happy Easter Everyone!! 

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