Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Trip For Shellseekers, Adrenaline Junkies And A Wizard Part I

We just spent some time in Florida, one of our favorite places. 
We had a good trip despite me being sick. I am rarely sick these days. Go figure. I could get myself out of bed in the mornings but by early afternoon I was done and needed rest, ibuprofen, meds and a box of kleenex. I think it was probably more of a relaxing trip with me stuck in bed and not wanting to go see and do 50 things a day:) Thank you Jeff for keeping the kids busy, helping me get better and taking photos
 At the Shell museum. We were so excited to see this. 

 Greta has decided she is moving to Sanibel Island one day, which would not surprise me. She absolutely loved it there. She was hugging palm trees and squealing at the beach.. this was her place. Plus, you can bike everywhere and not drive. Extra bonus. 
 While Greta looked for shells, Fieldin spent his time running into the ocean, yelling at birds and having light saber wars with the waves. 

 They loved outdoor ping pong. There was an alligator pond nearby the table.. bad placement. Because of course they would eventually hit the ball into the pond and then game over. 

 And this is what happens when you try to load luggage at 3:30 a.m. and you have a cat that doesn't want you to go..It was funny and sad.
 On the plane I was starting to not feel good but I joined in with Greta eating her Bean Boozled jelly beans. We thought it was hilarious but I don't think the people around us did.. It's a box with two each of the same color jelly bean. You can either get the good flavor or a horrible one. I kept getting the gross ones, she got the good ones. She got coconut, I got baby diaper. She got chocolate pudding I got dog food(soo gross). I threw in the towel after I got a barf jelly bean. It made the lawn clippings one taste great. 
 Fieldin at take off below... his expressions are hilarious. He loves planes. 
 searching for shells below. 
 and playing in the ocean
 and alot of fun with cockatoos by the grocery store

 and the best part for us was shelling..

 Me and the kids. Looking for shells in the morning. 

 the ocean air helped me alot 
Then we made a trip to the wild life refuge and the kids loved this part. It was too cold for alligators that day but we saw lots of birds, tree crabs(!) a snake and horse shoe crabs. 

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