Saturday, November 22, 2014

Around Here

We have been busy with life as usual. 
I just finished a Christmas village out of lego's that took me 4 evenings. Yes, me doing Lego's. The kids/husband have worn off on me. It was very fun, hard and rewarding and it is nice to know I can build as well as my 6 year old for a short time longer. Gotta keep up with these kids.. I will share a photo later. 
I am also putting together Christmas projects for the kids. The kids have been busy with homework, school and their own little projects. 
Here are a few pics from the camera. Again I need to take more pictures, I know. 

 Fieldin hung this up on the art door. I will break it down. It's title is "what mommy likes".. hot chocolate, books, green tea, pumpkin pie, cats, almond milk....did you notice it's almost all food? 
 these two.. :)
 Greta's second 4-h project she made. 
 Fieldin's indian and pilgrim pictures he taped to the art door. Oh, how I will miss art from this age when they get older. Some of it I want to embroider on a holiday pillow or something. I love it. 

1 comment:

Amber said...

"All men milk" - love it!