Monday, September 8, 2014


The kids love science and they also like Harry Potter. 
They both believe in magic. 
So I bought them a wizarding kit to make potions. 
 Fieldin made a wizard hat. 
I had as much fun with the chemistry experiments as they did. Luckily, we did this on a Saturday so Jeff could help. We ended up not blowing anything up. :) 
 Watching Fieldin's measurements. 
 Fieldin used a wand to make sure his experiments worked. (below)
Greta trusted her own science skills and bypassed it. 
 Fieldin liked the glow in the dark potion the best. Greta liked it all. 
 We created a potion that made crystals. After an hour, she had beautiful purple crystals to fill her wand. 
 After we took a science break, Jeff and Greta started a rock candy experiment. (below) 

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