Friday, August 15, 2014

Kayaking At Twilight

We spent a day at the beach with my dad yesterday. We had a twilight ranger lead kayak tour scheduled. We had a fun day at the coast and then got ready for our tour. 
 The kids did some bird watching while we waited for the rest of the group. Fieldin was excited to have binoculars. 
 The kids were given the job of getting out and counting the right number of oars. 
 Dad and Greta and the four of us below trying out our kayaks and getting them ready. 
 We were given lots of equipment which Greta loved. Headlamps, whistle and binoculars. 

 Getting ready and getting used to the oars. 
 Greta took the pictures below while we were out kayaking. It was absolutely beautiful. 

 We saw wildlife and every once in awhile the group would log up for a lesson on wildlife or plants and also a few jokes. 
 The kids were not afraid to answer questions. Greta really liked the lesson part. 
 The tour was supposed to be about 1 1/2 hours and ended up being three. It was very fun and quite an adventure for us novices. We were kayaking back at night with our headlamps on trying to avoid logs. I tried to ignore the bats. It was a fun family adventure with lots of good stories for us to remember and tell for many years. A family that survives kayaking in pitch dark together, stays together:) 
A very fun day.. so proud of us all! 

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