Thursday, May 1, 2014

He Creates

 Been sluggish with the blog. I've been trying to soak up these nice days and get some outdoor chores done and do some hiking in the evening. The little man isn't a fan of going outdoors lately. He is happy inside with his legos and art supplies. Above  is "baby cradle" that is her name. It creeps Greta out. We aren't sure why baby cradle has such a small head. He traced his own hands so she has his size hands. He also gave her striped white pants. I think "Baby Cradle" is funny and he is very proud of it. Just keep it away from Greta.. 
 He made his own laptop for his desk. 
 His newest thing is creating buildings with multiple levels and making staircases, furniture etc for the inside. He also likes to make garages and cars to go inside them. I just love his imagination. He recently asked us to help him sort all his legos by color and it was a huge project but well worth it for him. 

 one of his display shelves for his finished projects. 
His work space. Once a week he cleans his room until it's spotless(without us asking!) and puts his projects and things away and then starts all over. He's up at 6:15 every morning creating projects before school. 
He is very fun to watch right now. So creative. Love it. 

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