Saturday, March 8, 2014

Around Here

 Greta with her I love basketball cupcakes. She starts her next session of basketball this week and is excited. She won't be playing with older/taller girls this session so it will be more low key. 
 The little man still spends time reading everyday. Now that we have two readers there are many more trips to the used book store and library. I love it! 
 Fieldin finished soccer this last week until the Fall. He did great. Next year we are thinking of playing outdoor soccer so he can run more and have more play time. He gets grumpy(like his sister) if he has to sit out a quarter. 
 Greta had a week of crazy hair, pj's etc at school. This day she dressed up as Hawaii on destination day. This girl grew 5/8" this week. It was a long tiring week for her but I think her growth spurt is done for now.. I hope, for her sake! 
 Big news of the week is that Fieldin learned to tie his shoes. He is so proud and will show anyone that will watch. Hes been spending much of the week just tying his shoes for fun because he can. 
 Since he can read some of the words on her spelling list, Fieldin likes to quiz Greta on her spelling words. I love this picture. 
We are seeing sun, daffodils, trees in bloom and a return to hiking season for us. Jeff took this picture the other night when they were holding hands and skipping/running ahead of us. 
Hope you all had a good week with at least a little bit of sunshine. 

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