Friday, February 7, 2014


(Fieldin catching snowflakes on his tongue)
 Such an unusual winter here. We got hit with at least 6 inches of snow yesterday. School was cancelled yesterday and today. The kids were excited at first but it was blowing so hard they didn't play  in it as long as last time we had snow. Today the kids could take it or leave it. They both like school so they would be just as happy at school. Greta is old enough now that she knows if we have snow days we have to make them up in June and she doesn't like that idea. The benefit of days off is they are getting some rest and we can focus on homework presentations, playing, crafts and doing things they normally don't have the time for. 
 They played out in the morning because they were so excited and then they went out again late afternoon. It was fluffy and not good snowball snow. Of course the cat had to go out with them. He likes being out in the snow. 

 There was alot of snow throwing and fun when they did go out. 
 We could possibly get another 6-12" today and looking out the window just now, I see it has started snowing again. 

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