Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sofa Time Capsule

 This sofa has been good to us. 
She is 12 years old..with years of watching PBS cartoons, being covered in sippy cup juice, formula and the effects of sick kids. She also made it through the toilet training of both kids. After all that she still looks good. She has watched lots of movies, been used as a trampoline, held sick kids, watched as the kids said their first words to reading their first words, she's been part of circus acts, countless forts and seen Greta go from a baby under 7 lbs to a girl that can barely stretch out on this sofa now. 
After all that we are going to give her a new life.. hopefully a happy retirement. We decided not to replace her. Just moving in a couch from another room. We knew the sofa was full of popcorn(and it turns out ALOT of cheerios from way back). We turned the sofa on its side and heard some major clanking, so we opened up the back slightly and this is what we found in the sofa time capsule. 
Three books, a pack of lupine seeds(???), an  Imaginext toy pilot, two hair clips, magazine subscription cards, uno cards, wood block, dvd, camera case(I've been looking for that for years), hairbrush, little football, a power ranger walkie talkie thing that Fieldin won in a coloring contest, pens, a plastic tomato, a teething ring, Fieldin's old binky, a playdoh toy, kid scissors, hair scrunchy(that is really old), half of a plastic Easter egg, pencils, lots of straws and one fruit roll up wrapper. 
While moving it to the garage we heard more clanking but couldn't get the last things out. We are guessing one of the sounds is one of Fieldin's hot wheel cars, the other sound we have no idea... 
Thanks for many years of wonderful service "Green Couch". 

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