Saturday, November 16, 2013

Around Here- Little Artists

Our house is always covered in art supplies,art projects,tape, paint, lego creations & sculptures.  
I love it but I spend a good part of my week controlling the mountain of supplies and art taking over the house. I've been doing art with these kids since they were each two and the only difference now is that they need NO HELP. They are mad little scientists creating.. Fieldin spends about 80% of his day making something and it is pretty fun to watch. Here are a few things from the last week. 
 Greta just finished a presentation on Mozart for music class at school. Fieldin of course had to make a presentation too because she did.. he did his on Hawaii. Both were pretty cool. While Greta typed out her research he wrote out his... 
 Fieldin's new lego headquarters in his room. He wanted the table moved so he can walk around while he makes things. I like this better than having them all over the floor. 
 Today was normal perler bead Saturday morning.. Gret and Jeff found patterns online. Fieldin made his own design of santa above. I made the turkey, Greta made the owl and Jeff made R2D2 and Boba Fett ornament. 
 This guy has been making Christmas stockings and decorations and hanging them on all the walls. He writes our names on the stockings which we just realized he is spelling without help.. pretty cool. He's been able to spell Greta's name for a long time but mom and dad are new. 

 below is his spaceship with astronauts propelling out of it.. this boy loves tape. I have had to start buying Costco packs. 

 My aunt sent packages with Thanksgiving projects in it and they have finished them all. Here are their plate turkeys. 

 Greta made a salt dough island at school. She said I could get rid of it if I took a picture of it. She did a great job. It's hard but it is impossible to keep everything. 
 Fieldin's raccoon and a picture of the May Flower landing in the new world. There is an Indian waiting for the ship along with a turkey and a table of food. 
and of course Santa Chompers... it says "Happy Christmas Chompers" above. 

I think I need to start going through their stacks of drawings and taking pictures.. or we need to buy a storage unit :) 

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