Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Around Here

Oh my, the weeks are flying by. 
I have been neglecting the blog. 
I forget about my camera sitting beside me at the kids practices & games. Instead I chat, cheer and take it all in. 
We are still adjusting to new schedules. 
When Gret gets home it is homework time. 
I even ignore my camera watching me at home reminding me to take pics. 
I would rather play a game with the kids, cook something new, plan for Fall and enjoy playdates. 
Life has been different around here as we are all growing and changing. 
It is nice and exciting to see. 
Sometimes I miss our old lazy days but I appreciate the ones we have now even more. 
Fieldin is changing so much. Not so little anymore. Teaching me letters in sign language. Writing in lower case now and not just all capitals. Teaching me songs, creating fun art, playing big kid board games, doing chores and playing sports. 
and Greta, 
So much changes with her I can't keep up. She's just trying to figure out what hobbies she enjoys and who she is. She gets a grand plan but decides she doesn't want to commit. We know she loves something when she will take the time for it. We are learning just as much as she is. Right now her love is volleyball. If you walk by the house you can probably hear her practicing sets in the garage. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. 
And then there is Jeff and I. 
We are changing, slowing down, rethinking goals and keeping up with these children of ours.
Life is full. 
 Fieldin's pumpkin creations. 

 One of Fieldin's soccer games. That's him above. Also him below. He is #9. 
 The cat is still being tormented... don't feel sorry for him, he gets his revenge. 
 The rain is starting to show up more often.. 
 Some things never change. Life at this poor worn table, that I am not sure I will EVER be able to part with. 
At any moment something is happening here. Now a days lots of art by Fieldin and homework by Greta. Tonight Fieldin was drawing Frankenstein and Greta was trying out a new pumpkin dip recipe. 

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