Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Around Here

 Around here, this little rascal got into some poison oak. Poison Oak is a pretty nasty thing. A small bit of it happened to be growing in our backyard. It is also by the blackberries and other areas around where we live. It is amazing an outbreak in our house didn't happen sooner especially since he has to pet every dog he ever sees while hiking. I have learned alot about poison oak this week and now have a paranoid mom watch happening where ever we go. I just want the little man to feel better. 
 Since he keeps telling me and everyone he meets that he has a "bad arm from the poison oak" it gives him even more time to build things. He loves to build. He works with any objects he can find and lately this takes up a large part of his day. 
 I just found the car garage below. Buildings are scattered all over the house. He even got into a board game in Jeff and my room and built with game pieces to make skyscrapers. I love finding his buildings but when they get knocked over it is a lego, game piece, block and misc junk mine field to walk on. 
 It was crazy hair and sock day at camp for Gret. Her volleyball camp is over and she is looking forward to doing some skills training this Fall. She is also doing great with her contacts. I give it a little more time and it will become a habit.. now I just hope for a break in vision changes for her sake. 
Another crazy week around here but next week has to be back to normal...right? 

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