Monday, July 1, 2013

Wake Up, You'll Miss Summer!

"Wake up, you'll miss summer" said Fieldin. 
He is an early bird. Very early and this is what he said to us yesterday morning as he came into our room to wake us. 
This summer is different then the past summers. No routine. Just go with the flow. A little strange but nice. I think it is because the kids are older and a little more independent. Greta's been reading non stop. Fieldin keeps himself busy with imaginative play. He is even more of the little comedian lately and keeps us laughing. 
Lots of water play in the backyard and Popsicles. Short errands. This week we didn't do much but the days are passing quickly. 
 book slug
 Water fights. Even if other kids are around it is Jeff or I that end up being the ones drenched. 
 Watch out for him, he's sneaky. 
 Nap after watching kids outside. We have bluebirds nesting in the backyard so we haven't been letting him outside. He's not happy. 
Fieldin watching Star Wars for the first time. He said there wasn't enough lightsaber action in the movie. 
Both kids liked it. It was hot yesterday afternoon so it was a fun indoor thing to do. 
It has been very warm here so outdoor play has been more in the morning. 
This little guy is all about being like his daddy. He wants to dress like him and says" now that I look like you I can build things, mommy need a shelf?" They have a cool bond. 

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