Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Break Called Spring

We find ourselves at the start of spring break and it does seem like spring here. (still chilly some days though) 
Is it really Springtime?  My plants, birds and all the kids playing at the park tell me so. 
The last couple of days have been spent marking some things off the Spring cleaning list and then taking it easy. Jeff and I reminded ourselves that it is Spring "break" for a reason. Time to clean up after winter and look forward to what's ahead. Rest up the kids and spend time together. 
Resting the kids is not easy when you live across the street from a busy play structure. Take one look at the nose/hand prints on the front window to see that outdoor playtime has returned. Whenever they see someone at the play structure they want to go. It is hard to get homework done when playtime calls. 
 Today we were going to take a rest day but of course we didn't.... 
We checked out a "new to us" bird sanctuary about 15 miles from our house. 
 There was a very, very long boardwalk that the kids loved. The rest of the trails were closed until the end of this month so we will go back soon. 
 With everything in bloom, Fieldin and I have allergies so he was extra tired after running. He picked the flower in his hand(above) and had a grip on it all the way home and onto the sofa. He was out so hard but never let go. 
Still out, but joined by his buddy.... That cat adores him. 

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