Monday, February 4, 2013

She Dances

Sunday Greta attended a cheer camp and then danced at half-time at the OSU girls basketball game. Greta was excited to dance and Jeff and I were excited to watch the girls play Stanford, so it was a win- win day. 
 After camp, waiting for the game. 
 With Benny... yes their days of liking Butch Cougar are over. These kids are Beaver fans and there is no going back. 
 Greta dancing (she's the one jumping)
(Gret's behind the cheerleader)
I was going to upload a video but it was 5 min and too long...
This is her favorite spirit move, she says. 
So at the end of the day, I asked her if she liked cheering. 
"Yes, but not the dancing. You have to learn the steps and not dance the way you want. I'll stick with swimming" 

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