Thursday, December 13, 2012


Horrible shadow of my lense or head in this photo..
I enjoy working with Fieldin on his writing on his days off from pre-school. It is two days a week when we can sit down and focus and I have to admit I love watching his face light up as he is learning to put words together and seeing them on paper. 

Today, he wanted to write to Santa. This says "I love Santa, Fieldin". Then he said "Can you get this in the mail?" 
Never to late to butter up the man who brings gifts, I get it. 
His other letter is a gift to Greta. 
"I love Greta" and "Dumbo" 
He drew a picture of a pink dumbo with it and said, "My gift to Greta is a pink Dumbo." 
Congrats Fieldin. Thank you for letting me teach you to write. You are such a good little student. 

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