Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Been having a bit of trouble posting so have missed a few days. Just going to do a quick overcap. We just got back from our yearly Thanksgiving Loop and to be honest I think we are all still recovering from it. Very nice to visit with family but that drive is a bit hard on all of us. 
 Fieldin watching Macy's day parade with his turkey hat. 
 Sweet Gret.. since we didn't need too much help chopping for Thanksgiving dinner, Greta was outside mincing/chopping leaves. 
 Our barista at our beckon call. She loves the Keurig. She can make coffee with one button. She kept following around the adults asking if we needed coffee...all day. I think my veins are still caffeinated. I have to say when we returned home we were looking around for her thinking "where's our coffee?" She actually started a tab for all of us, 5-10 cents per cup.. lucky for us she through our tabs away because "afterall it's Thanksgiving"..:) 
 Our crazy travel cat. He did great but hates hotels. He was happy snooping around my dads and watching his quail from the sliding door. I think his week long travel days are numbered... 
The kids loved taking over Aunt Barb and Uncle Larry's Kindle to play games. They were at major tech deprivation at this point so they loved this. 

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