Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sauna Toilet

EVERY morning the kids pile into our bed.  
On the weekends we have lots of time to talk, tell stories etc. 
Today we got on the subject of my "sauna toilet" and the kids found it hilarious.
I was in my early twenties and living in my first post college apartment after spending a summer interning 
at an advertising agency and crashing in someones kitchen, sleeping on a cot.
Construction was done so I moved in right away. 
It didn't take long to realize there was something wrong with the toilet. 
From down the hall, you could see steam radiating from it. 
I fixed this by just keeping the lid down. 
When the lid had to be opened the bathroom would fill with a gush of steam and condensation. 
My apartment was cold in the morning and sitting on this toilet was not fun. 
Turned out it was some crossed piping and hot, hot water was piped to my toilet. 
The kids thought this was soo funny. 
Fieldin, whom always has an answer for everything was giggling and telling me...
"Mommy, you should have called the owner and said my butts burn-y, my butts fired!" 
giggle giggle
Oh the stories I have from living at that apartment. Pretty sure I could write a sitcom about it. 

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