Friday, November 30, 2012

Lil' Helper

I believe Fieldin should get a Jr. Griswald badge.
Jeff *started* hanging Holiday decor outside the other night and upon hearing this, Fieldin,was off like a bullet to put on a sweatshirt (like his daddy). He came downstairs with gloves three sizes too big, his sweatshirt on and his boots ready. Then, he declared "I'm ready to work". Just hours earlier, he was moaning in the the backseat of our car, telling me that " It is very hard being a professional 4 year old... so hard..*sigh*". I was glad that he had enough enthusiasm to help out after such a long day of work. 
Before we knew it he was lugging a stepladder across the front yard and helping string lights. 
Learning from the master, that you must always test the lights first. It was cute, watching young Griswald at work. 

Lights were hung but Fieldin took a break half way through his job to go play at the play structure with friends. Good work lil' helper. 

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