Tuesday, October 2, 2012

When People Are 4 According To Fieldin

Fieldin had a very nice birthday and was very excited about turning 4. 
All day he told me what people can do at 4. Here are just a few:
"When people are 4 they can draw hearts."
"When people are 4 they can run better than sisters."
"When people are 4 they can go to bed by themselves." 
"When people are 4 they can flip."
"When people are 4 they ride big boy bikes." 
"When people are 4 they stand on their heads." 
"When people are 4 they fly on a cat."
"When people are 4 they put on their own sleeves." 
And the best of all is :
"Greta, I am going to be nice to you now that I am 4." 
Happy Birthday Big Boy!

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