Monday, October 1, 2012

Fieldy Birthday Weekend: Part II

A Vortex, A "Bat Cave"(as close as we can get for our resident Batman), and seven stitches. It was a very, very fun day and also a little stressful. Shall be begin?
Here are the kids at the Oregon vortex. A bit creepy. We all left with headaches. I think the optical illusions made my cynic of a brain hurt. I do have to admit there is something weird here. We all were able to participate and I was able to make a broom stand upright alone for a bit. 
 Kids at original house of mystery holding onto handrails. There is at least an 8 foot slope in this house. 
 Is Greta crooked and the house straight? :)
 Greta and Grandpa...I think the vortex is making Greta look as tall as grandpa..:) that must be it, indeed.
 wildlife turkeys, I mean the kids in Medford. Skipping rocks, taking a walk and stretching our legs. 
 The sign says it all. Great ,Great tour we had. Note to future rangers: NEVER tell Fieldin that their is a black  bear in the cave. Not if you want any piece and quiet for the 90 min tour.. When we found the bear, we found bear bones. Highly anticlimatic for an almost 4 year old. Though he did decide the rest of the bear bones were taken by pirates and he needs to go to their house and ask for them back. "hey pirates, you have the bear bones" he said. We literally heard about the black bear for over 2 hours on the way home. He finally broke his adventure down in these words" We heard a story about a bear, looked for a bear and just found bear bones". We will never forget it or you Fieldin. In the meantime, Greta was the Ranger's pet. Answering all the questions right and spewing names of rocks. This girl loves her geology. She brought up new tour topics about coral looking rock. She was a cave rock star. She even lead the pack a few times. So   I hear Miss Greta talk about rocks and stuff alot so my favorite Greta quote went a little something like this: 
                                                Ranger: Cavers in the 1800's toured these caves on their bellies...blah blah blah. I spaced out here but then he showed us beautiful signatures written on the marble. He asked why no one has been able to clean off the pencil signatures. 
Greta: "Because they didn't have eraser's" 
love it.
 We saw bats, we saw paradise lost, we found wood rat pooh with fungus...

and when we were almost done with this 90 min tour where Fieldin was a total hike/climb stud he and Jeff started hopping and Fieldin went splat on his chin. A trip to urgent care and 7 stitches later we headed home. He was so brave getting those stitches. Each time he has had stitches we've been out of town and marble was involved. If we avoid those things we may get lucky. If not, we need a head stitch punch card. 

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