Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I Even Have A Lead Foot With My Sewing Machine

It's True. Who thought of making sewing machines with a pedal. I can't help going too fast. After I set up the sewing machine, I check the machine again, like a student driving checking their mirrors. Then very much like a student driver, I start slow. Barely touching the pedal hard enough to sew a straight line. Then in a matter of minutes, I go from student driver trying to merge on freeway to guy in mid life crisis mustang speeding down a country road with just a cloud of dirt left in his wake. This is how I sew. Too fast. Too slow. Somehow it all turns out in the end and I have a little piece of accomplishment to show for it. 
Yesterday I pulled out the machine for the second time this week! and covered two mismatched pillows I found in the laundry room. The kids wanted more "movie" pillows to lay on. I also gave "ugly blanket" a new beginning. We all love "ugly blanket", Jeff and I got it for a wedding gift and it is meant to go under a comforter but the kids love to snuggle up with it and watch movies. Here is Greta watching Happy Feet 2 and using the "new" decor. Fieldin was wrapped up in it yesterday and then I took it over for awhile. Much needed comfort that didn't cost me anything. I love that. Best thing about it, it matches our blue chair. Bah-dah- bing. 
So I have been making friends with my sewing machine and digging in my craft closet alot lately. It is time to get crafty again. I've missed the smell of my poor overheated sewing machine. :) 

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