Monday, June 4, 2012

Their Favorite's

Both kids were sitting near me playing so I thought it would be a good time to ask them questions to add to our journal.

Favorite Books:
Fieldin: "Don't let the Pigeon Stay Up late", "Don't let the pigeon drive the bus", anything superhero or Lego Star Wars, anything with cars, trucks, semis, monster truck, "superchunky"
Greta's into: "Where the sidewalk ends" and other poetry by Shel Silverstein, "Ramona" books, "The Magic Treehouse" series, anything about cats, "Kitty Korner"books, Scooby Doo books, Amelia Bedilia books.

Favorite movies/ t.v.:
Greta: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and "Megamind"
Fieldin: Wordworld, Bubble Guppies, Curious George, Imaginext, Lego Star Wars, Monster Jam.

Favorite Foods:
Greta: Spaghetti and tacos
Fieldin: Cheese chips, hummus and carrots and cheese noodles

Favorite Toys:
Greta: Littlest Petshop, magnet dolls, Disney princess dress up dolls.
Fieldin: All Imaginext toys, Monster trucks, All of Greta's toys, puzzles, cars and blocks.

Favorite Sport:
Greta: Basketball or baseball
Fieldin: Soccer and baseball

Greta's other Fav things: swimming, playing outside, playing with friends, hiking, going to yougurt xtreme and hazulnut hill, science museums, movies, playing with Chompers and Fieldin

Fieldin's Fav: airplanes, Chompers, playing, toys, dinosaurs.

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