Thursday, May 31, 2012

From Where I Stand...

 From where I stand... The cat is a hoarder. He had a death grip on this fake palm frond and Fieldin's sunglasses. This may be the most obvious plea for a vacation. It was a bit strange. 
 From Where I stand... I love that she teaches him, except when she sounds JUST like me and then it's a bit creepy. This picture makes my heart happy.
 From where I stand.. This means time for jam. The kids searching for strawberries in the backyard(this ones our first!) and that the strawberry festival is this weekend. 
 From where I stand.. He will always be my superhero in a cape, even when he's old and grey. 
 From where I stand... wait I was laying down for this... From where I lay exhausted... she is growing so fast. Here working on a school project. Shoulders and head hovered over her 
 From where I stand... They can never explore and find enough bugs. 
 From where I stand.... Blue=sea= summer= I am all about summer right now
 From where I stand.. I am pretty sure this is heaven
 From where I stand... I can't compete with cat like reflexes and youth. Future air hockey champs. 
 From where I stand... he is the captain of the boat and king of the playground:) 
 From where I stand... ummm, over there on that bridge... I could hike daily. 
From where I stand.. There can never be too many newts in a pond. 

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