Friday, January 27, 2012

When It is Rainy And Cold, We...

We... play until we get tired of it... then play some more

We find any way we can to entertain ourselves without going stir crazy.

We look forward to practices, errands and time at the indoor sports park

We learn

We play lots and lots of hide and seek. We like it when Chompers hides... the rest of the time he gives our hiding spots away.

We love being with friends and seeing cool new stuff

And if we get too terribly bored.. I give Fieldin the camera and let him take lots of pictures.

The sun is finally out but it is very cold. I am still in Spring cleaning mode, finally mending Gret's clothes that get ripped up and caught in jump ropes, catching up on Season One of Downton Abbey, reading and suduko, reinacting Imaginext movies with Fieldin(over and over again), trying new recipes, helping Gret with homework, Doin the daily routine, eating warm oatmeal and drinking(lots) of hot coffee and tea, adding more to my "to do" list than marking off.
Spring is right around the corner.. My plants have blooms and I hear lots of frogs outside at night. We have to be getting closer:)

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