Friday, January 6, 2012

On The 36th Year Of My Life.....

On the 36th year of my life..... I am happy..very very very happy.
Thank you all for the Happy Birthday Wishes. I am so glad you are all in my life. I am a lucky girl, no doubt about it.
 Turning 35 was tough... 36 was a breeze
 Me and chunk
 Me and Miss Greta
Me and my guy. My birthday is the only day of the year we are the same age.... and as the story goes, I pass off my birthday to my best friend at midnight tonight and then he is older than me once again, and the old man jokes commence...
A very mellow birthday at home this year...just like I like it.
Hey Jeff... only 5 1/2 hours til birthday pass off...

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Happy Birthday to you both!
Let me know how 36 goes...I'll be there shortly:)