Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve- Time For The Bribe

 Preparing the bribe and counting out carrots for the reindeer.
 Greta has it down. It's all about presentation.

The kids were tracking Santa all evening. When he hit New York, Greta started to panic running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Jeff jokingly said he thought he heard something on the roof and the kids ran to the window to see if Santa was here. After this pic was taken they were off like a shot upstairs. All I remember seeing was Fieldins bottom moving like a flash.
Greta was almost to excited to sleep. Fieldin had his short yearly meltdown, scared about Santa coming into the house. Greta told me "Fieldin needs to stop crying! Santa may not come!" Within minutes they were both fast asleep.. along with poor worn out Chompers who slept at Fieldins feet. 

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