Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's Beginning To Look Alot...

Like Christmas...
In true Jeff..A.K.A Chevy Chase form we are barely done unpacking and just arrived home yesterday but the garage has tables up and Santas workshop is in full swing in the garage.
The inside of the house is pretty much done. The outside will have to wait, only because of some heavy rain. We took the kids to the drive through Christmas land (twice). They look forward to it each year and counting down the days til the big Christmas Storyland opens at the fairgrounds.
 They were so excited after they got the Christmas train working under the tree. Jeff and I have had this way before the kids came along and every year we hold our breath to see if it still steams... it still did this year but I think this may be the last year...

And  this.. well, this may be a problem. Chompers hanging..literally, in the tree. He has left it alone this evening so we are waiting to put up ornaments. 

1 comment:

Sara said...

I burst out laughing at the pic of Chompers! Your Christmas may be more like the Griswald's than you want :)

I love that train. How cool that it fits around the tree?!