Sunday, October 9, 2011

You Can Now Officially Draw On The Wall

Here is the official memo, don't lose it... It is ok to write on the wall. Notice I didn't make it plural so just one wall... the "Hub" wall that is in the middle of everything. It is prime real estate people, right next to the trash can, the pantry, garage door and the fridge. We are having fun with it. I wanted an even bigger chalk wall in my dreams but I had to be realistic. We also added cork trim to the top to display creations from the resident artists, instead of having them taped all over the walls.
 I filled two plastic cups with the EXACT SAME number of pieces and colors of chalk. Good thing I did because they compared. HA HA you two. One step ahead of reason to argue!
 Here is Fieldin making a "gigantic pumpkin"
 This is what it looks like most the time. Bright colors everywhere. At the moment it is covered in drawings of colored fall leaves and one of Fieldins pumpkins. I loove it so much I can't erase it.. this may be a problem!

I am looking forward to years of these little treasures waiting for me. This one says"punken by Greta"
Overall it was easy and I was worried about the dust and mess a little but it hasn't been bad at all.


Sara said...

AWESOME! That is even better than I'd imagined. Keep me updated on the dust issue please, that is the only thing keeping one out of this house.

Darcy said...

Love it! It looks great, this was chalkboard paint, right? You'll just have to take pictures before you erase stuff, but now you'll save trees!
I've wanted to do one but don't have a good wall with boundaries like the one you chose. I guess I could just use tape and create the boundary...